Science Fair Help
projects and ideas
The how to's ...
Science Buddies - " ... premier online provider of science project resources for students in grades K-12. "  Excellent site

Science Fair Handbook - So you are
going to do a science fair project. - a mystery in which you are the detective searching for answers.

Super Science Fair Projects - your complete guide to super science fair projects, topics and experiments.

Some ideas ...
Dr. Shawn's Idea Bank - here's a collection of general ideas, not actual projects;  its purpose is to get you thinking like a scientist

Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects - use these ideas as a jumping-off place for coming up with your own project.

Ideas from A to Z - site is divided into A-G, H-P and -Q-Z. Click on one division and get oodles of ideas for your project.

And Projects
Weather in Botany
Weather in Solar Energy
Weather in Medicine
Weather in Food Sciences
Weather in Chemistry
Weather in Electronics
Weather in Zoology
Weather in Electricity
Weather in Astronomy

Magnets and Magnetism
... in Chemistry
... in Botany
... in Earth Sciences
... in Electronics
... in Electricity
Water in Physics
Water in Electricity
Water in Electronics
Water in Engineering
Water in Mathematics
Water in Geography
Water in Medicine
Water in Botany
Caffeine in Medicine
Caffeine in Chemistry
Caffeine in Zoology
Caffeine in Botany
Caffeine in Psychology

Sun and Light
in Astronomy
in Zoology
in Chemistry
in the Environment
in Medicine
in Electricity
in Solar Energy

Colours in Botany
Colours in Mathematics
Colours in Electronics
Colours in Food Sciences
Colours in Chemistry
Colours in Physics
Colours in Psychology

Air Power for Transportation - Use the force of the air to propel a vehicle.
Everything you need to know is here;  what you need (materials), what to do (method) and what you will discover (observations and conclusions).

Battery Life - Which battery lasts the longest out of four different brands, Duracell, Energizer, Eveready and Rayovac? Includes all the science steps: problem, hypothesis, material, variables, results and conclusions.

The Greenhouse Effect - The gases formed by the burning of fuels such as wood, coal, oil, natural gas and gasoline, have built-up in the atmosphere. Everything you need to know is here;  what you need (materials), what to do (method) and what you will discover (observations and conclusions).

Peanut Power - A peanut contains stored energy. Can we use the energy to heat a container of water? Everything you need to know is here;  what you need (materials), what to do (method) and what you will discover (observations and conclusions).

Insulation - What materials make the best insulation? Would it be a wool sock, cotton sock, aluminum foil, leaves, plastic foam, down jacket etc.? Everything you need to know is here;  what you need (materials), what to do (method) and what you will discover (observations and conclusions).

Science Fair Primer - This primer is written to help  students develop science fair projects ... How Do I Get To The Science Fair?
To some real Science
Fair Projects.
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